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- Part 1
- Obviously, the first thing you must do is assemble your party. There
- is a beginning party (supplied with the game) already equipped with a
- basic level of armour, instruments, etc. A much better and
- unique option is to transfer characters over from either WIZARDRY or
- ULTIMA III. These characters come over as fairly senior level
- characters and make the beginning of this game much easier.
- This is a highly desirable alternative. If you create your own
- characters -- which you must do for your bard -- pay special
- attention to the dexterity attribute. This attribute determines who
- strikes first in combat, and can be the difference between an easy
- encounter and one which is a struggle. Magic users should have a
- high IQ, while fighter classes should have a high strength. I
- recommend a monk as one of your fighters. Their armour class
- drops as their level rises. Mine eventually had an armour
- class of LO wearing only a robe. They also can do the most damage
- unarmed in actual combat. When you first leave the Adventurer's
- Guild, explore the city. Visit Garth's Armoury, and find the Review
- Board (located next to the inn on Trumpet Street). Don't wander too
- far until you get a feel for how you can survive. To restore hit
- points after fighting, visit a temple. There all ills --
- including death -- can be cured for a price. After a fight, you
- will quite frequently find objects of some type. Keep them all. If
- you don't need them, go to Garth's and sell them for gold -- you will
- need it.
- Visit Roscoe's Energy emporium located off the Gran Plaz on the corner
- of Grey Knife Street. There you will get an idea what it costs to
- restore spell points.
- Early on, when you are still short of gold, the best way to restore
- spell points is to go into the Adventurer's Guild and just wait.
- This game is in real time, and spell points are restored as you
- just sit there. If you wait on the street or in a house, you will
- almost certainly be attacked.
- When you find an object after a fight or in a chest in the dungeons,
- experiment with it to find out what it is. There are no cursed
- items. Quite a few objects have magical properties that are not
- readily apparent. Here are a few of the objects that I found most
- useful, even though you won't run into these until later in the
- game: Kael's Axe seemed to be the best weapon, causing the most damage
- for my Paladins; a frost horn for your Bard, when used in combat,
- causes 40-70 hit points of damage to a group of monsters; a mage
- staff for your magic users allows them to regain spell points
- even in a dungeon (this is incredibly useful). I will leave it
- up to you to discover the usefulness of the other items found
- during the game.
- After learning the game play by wandering around the city and
- being able to survive, it is time to visit the dungeons. This is
- where the battle with Mangar will be won or lost.
- Part 2
- There are five dungeons in the game that must be explored in the
- following order: Wine Cellar and Sewers, The Catacombs, Harkyn's
- Castle, Kylearan's Tower, and Mangar's Tower. Each contains something
- that will help in the subsequent stages of the game. Wine Cellar and
- Sewers. The easiest dungeon of them all is reached from the inn on
- Rakhir Street. Enter the inn, ask to order a drink, then select wine.
- You will then be ushered into the Wine Cellar. I cannot over stress
- the importance of mapping in this game. Whenever possible, have the
- MALE spell in operation. This will help you avoid some of the traps
- that are lying around. When you have an encounter and find a chest,
- always cast a TRZP spell to disarm any traps that may be guarding the
- chest. Located in the Wine Cellar are the stairs down to the
- Sewers. The first level of the Sewers contains almost nothing of
- interest. So locate the stairs to the second level of the sewers
- as quickly as possible and get down there. The second level
- contains one very important bit of information that you will
- need to enter the Catacombs: the name of the Mad God. There
- are also two hints to questions that will be asked in other
- dungeons. Explore this level fully to find all the hints and the Mad
- God's name. The lowest level of the Sewers is next and contains one
- item of importance for later in the game. Locate and take the stairs
- exiting from this level. Make sure you know where the stairs lead
- exactly. After this (I hope you have been visiting the Review Board
- regularly to advance levels and learn new spells), you are ready for
- the Catacombs.
- The Catacombs
- The Catacombs are reached from one of the Mad God's Temples,located on
- the east side of the Temple, ask to speak to the priest, then give
- him the Mad God's name: TARJAN. The first level of the Catacombs is
- just a survival test at this stage. Once you can survive there fairly
- easily, head for the second level of the Catacombs. The second level
- has a clue in it about the Mad God. It also contains a very nasty
- creature called a Soul Sucker that lurks in the southwest corner of
- the second level. If you decide to go in there and try him out, make
- sure you have your character disk backed up. You will not be able to
- defeat him at this stage of your development, but fortunately you
- don't have to. The lowest level of the Catacombs contains
- something you will need later. Once you have reached the third
- level of the Catacombs, you must use a teleport square to enter the
- Wizard's Realm. The teleport is located in the southeast corner of the
- dungeon. Once you are in the Wizard's Realm, you must defeat him to
- gain the Eye. After you have this item, you are ready to tackle
- Harkyn's Castle.
- Part 3
- Harkyn's Castle
- Harkyn's Castle is located in the northeast corner of Skara Brae.
- Atthis point in time, it becomes very important for you to have filled
- your special slot with the most powerful character your magic users
- can summon. If you are in the process of developing a wizard, a lesser
- demon is best.
- The first level of Harkyn's Castle contains one item of importance:
- the Crystal Sword from the southeast corner of this level. You will
- now begin to find some of the more powerful objects to experiment with
- during your encounters. After obtaining the crystal sword, head for
- the second level of the Castle. The stairs are located in the
- northeast corner of the first level.
- The second level of the Castle has a couple of interesting things.
- If you answer the riddle correctly ("SHIELDS") you get a magic
- mouth which can be used to cast the SOSI spell. You must also
- obtain the silver square from the southwest corner of the dungeon.
- The access to this is from a teleport located towards the middle of
- the northern section of the dungeon. The portal to the third level is
- located in the northeast section of this level.
- The third level of the Castle contains the entrance to
- Kylearan'sTower and some interesting opportunities. The answer to
- the Old Man's question is "SKULL TAVERN." When you encounter the
- berserkers located at 12E 5N of this level, take advantage. They can
- be fairly easily defeated with the right magic spells. You should have
- at least two sorcerers capable of casting the MIBL spell. It also
- helps if your bard has a frost or fire horn to aid the others along.
- When you can defeat these guys easily, it is time to make another
- magic user. You can teleport from the Castle entrance, fight the
- berserkers, teleport back to the entrance, exit the castle, then do it
- again and again until your spells run low. At 60,000 experience points
- a crack, it doesn't take long to develop a decent magic user. After
- this, it is time to attempt Kylearan's Castle. When you
- approach, and fight the statue of a Mad God located in the southeast
- corner of this level, you will be teleported inside the gates of
- Kylearan's Tower.
- Kylearan's Tower
- After the battle with the Mad God and your subsequent teleport (you
- did have the eye in your possession), go one step forward, turn
- right, then kick the door down. You will then be entering one of the
- two most difficult mazes in the game. Most of it is in the dark and
- there are riddles that must be answered. Backup your character disk
- before entering this maze. Once you are in, watch carefully for
- teleports: they are everywhere. It is extremely important that you map
- this maze very carefully. After you have reached the antimagic square
- from wandering in a very small section of the dark, the next step
- forward is a teleport to 11E 12N. Explore until you find a magic
- mouth that asks you to "Name the one of cold, foretold twofold," The
- answer to this one is "STONE GOLEM." You will then be teleported
- again. After this, you will enter a very large, dark area. In order to
- get out of this, you must answer the question posed at 12E 2N which
- says, "Name the Endless Byway and your path will be guaranteed." The
- answer to this is the only street in Skara Brae with no end,
- Sinister. You then can map your way through a lighted section to
- another dark area. From this dark area you must obtain the Silver
- Triangle, located at the very north of the dark area. You can then
- exit the dark area, going south from 1E 6N. After this, you will face
- the Crystal Golem (did you bring the Crystal Sword?). You can defeat
- him with conventional weapons and spells, but somebody has to have the
- crystal sword or he will reappear to block your exit. At this point,
- you can exit the tower to refresh your players or continue on. If you
- exit, when you re-enter you must again answer the endless byway
- question to continue. Upon reaching the end of the snaky road on the
- east side of the maze, don't go through the south door. Take the
- door that goes west. You will then enter several rooms with
- spinners and teleports that make finding your way almost
- impossible. The way past these is southwest. When you make it, you
- will be teleported to 14E 1N. It is then an easy stroll to meet
- Kylearan himself. He turns out to be the friendly wizard and gives you
- a key that allows you to get into Mangar's Tower. He then teleports
- you to the stairs exiting his tower. You no longer need the crystal
- sword or the eye, and you are now ready for Mangar himself.
- Mangar's Tower
- If you paid heed and followed the stairs from the bottom level of the
- Sewers, you will know how to get inside Mangar's walls. If not, go to
- the Wine Cellar, teleport your party 17E 16N 3D, and take the stairs
- up. Then turn right and kick the door in. You should be at the
- entrance to Mangar's Tower.
- Level one of Mangar's is fairly easy to find your way around in.
- Follow the teleports and walk around until you reach the magic mouth
- on the east side of the maze. What is tricky is that after leaving the
- magic mouth, you are now on level 2 of the tower. So be careful in
- mapping.
- Level two of Mangar's is again fairly easy (not even a warm-up
- for level 3). From this level you must answer the question located at
- 4E 15N to obtain the silver circle. The answer to the question is
- "CIRCLE." You must then make your way to the stairs located in the
- middle of the southern side of the maze.
- Level three is the hardest maze of all, but by this time you must be
- getting really proficient at mapping. You must wander around this
- level and obtain quite a number of items. First of all, you should get
- the master key, for 50,000 gold pieces, from 19E 12N. This key allows
- you to enter Mangar's through the front gate, instead of from the
- Sewers. You must then find the clues to the seven words needed
- to access the fourth level of Mangar's. Gratefully, you can teleport
- into and out of this level of the Tower. After finding the clues, you
- can then speak the seven words to the magic mouth located at 10E 4N.
- They must be entered one at a time. The words are, "LIE WITH
- PASSION AND BE FOREVER DAMNED." Stairs will then appear at 3E 9N.
- This is the only way to obtain entrance to the upper reaches of
- Mangar's.
- The fourth level of Mangar's has only one tricky part. When you
- first arrive, you have a limited number of ways you can go. After
- reaching a certain point, located in the northeast corner of the
- level, doors appear everywhere. Don't be confused. Everything maps the
- same, it's just that doors are everywhere. Eventually you will find
- the portal to level five in the southwest corner of this level.
- Level five is the home stretch. This easy maze leads you to the lava
- pit in the middle of the eastern side of the maze. There you dive in
- and are teleported to 10E 6N. You will then find the march up the hall
- of harm to be fruitless if you didn't bring the three silver items
- along. If you have the silver triangle, silver square, and silver
- circle, a door will appear directly north of you. After passing
- through this door, cast your REST spell to restore everybody to
- health and proceed directly north to the final battle with Mangar.
- The final battle itself is a large disappointment as it is fairly
- easy to defeat Mangar and his vampires, and meet Kylearan again, who
- givesyou 300,000 bonus experience points. After defeating Mangar, you
- can then proceed one more square north for the last question of the
- game.The answer is "SPECTRE SNARE," which you then receive (it is good
- for binding to your party any of your opponents in battle).
- end.